PMA 142 Past mcq’s

3 votes, 3.7 avg
Created on By Shameel


1 / 129

First person to receive Nishan-e-Haider

2 / 129

Tarbela dam is on which river

3 / 129

Khateeb ul Ambiya is the title of

4 / 129

Simla Deputation was led by

5 / 129

When was Sheikh Ahmad Sirhandi born

6 / 129

Which country is known as Horn of Africa

7 / 129

Charge on Neutron

8 / 129

Land of rising sun

9 / 129

Which country is known as cockpit of Europe

10 / 129

Tochi Pass is between

11 / 129

Headquarters of NATO

12 / 129

Where is Sahara Desert

13 / 129

First book of pashto language

14 / 129

Study of earthquake is called

15 / 129

Second Constitution of Pakistan date

16 / 129

Mehmood Ghaznavi Dynasty name was

17 / 129

Mangla Dam is on River

18 / 129

Largest lake in Pakistan

19 / 129

Najashi was from which religion

20 / 129

Pak-China Border agreement year

21 / 129

People of banu nuzair were

22 / 129

FIFA world cup 2022 will be played in

23 / 129

Largest River in World Volume Wise

24 / 129

Deepest point of the world

25 / 129

How many sons  Hazrat Adam (A.S) had

26 / 129

Which Liquid melts at room Temperature

27 / 129

Rooh ul Qudus title of ...???

28 / 129

What is full name of Cripss Mission head

29 / 129

Largest River in World Length Wise

30 / 129

Where is Victoria Desert

31 / 129

Which country opposed the membership of Pakistan in UNO

32 / 129

Where is rani fort

33 / 129

Which province is known as Baab ul Islam

34 / 129

Leap year comes after years

35 / 129

When Tipu Sultan died

36 / 129

Capital of Mongolia

37 / 129

During Independence which party was ruling in UK

38 / 129

Bahadur Shah Zafar was Kept in the prison of which Country

39 / 129

Relation between Hazrat Hamza and Holly Prophet (SAW)

40 / 129

Winners of Fifa World Cup 2018

41 / 129

Who is credited for Muslim renaissance in India

42 / 129

Basel is the city of ?

43 / 129

Smallest Ocean in the world

44 / 129

Saifullah is the title of

45 / 129

Causes of Indian revolt was written by

46 / 129

Basic SI units are

47 / 129

Safiullah is the title of

48 / 129

Age of Holy prophet at the time of battle of fujjar

49 / 129

Copenhagen is the capital of

50 / 129

When Line of control was formed

51 / 129

when was Jalianwala bagh Incident took place

52 / 129

Capital of China

53 / 129

Tenure of non-permanent members of UNO Security Council is

54 / 129

Moawakhat (the brotherhood) took place in __________ Hijrah ?

55 / 129

Which Liquid melts at room Temperature

56 / 129

Largest country by population

57 / 129

Largest River in Asia

58 / 129

Which is the lengthiest constitution of Pakistan

59 / 129

Mawakhat e Madina was between

60 / 129

Capital of Finland

61 / 129

Last Prophet sent to Israel was

62 / 129

When Japan Attacked Pearl harbor

63 / 129

Founder of Edhi Foundation

64 / 129

Where  was Jalianwala bagh Incident took place

65 / 129

Seat won by Muslim league in 1945-46 elections

66 / 129

Which Continent is known as Dark Continent

67 / 129

When was Shah wali ullah born

68 / 129

National monument of Pakistan is located in

69 / 129

Highest military Award of Pakistan

70 / 129

----- surahs are Muazatain

71 / 129

Coldest Planet

72 / 129

When USSR did established

73 / 129

Asad ullah is the title of

74 / 129

Highest war field in Pakistan

75 / 129

Education Scheme launched in India by Hindus in 1937 by

76 / 129

IMF stands for

77 / 129

In the absence of Prime Minister who runs the country

78 / 129

First Female hafizah of Quran

79 / 129

The numbers of members in first constituent assembly

80 / 129

When Abu Sufyan accepted Islam

81 / 129

When Mohammad bin Qasim Conquered Sindh

82 / 129

Jeses is Known as

83 / 129

Who gave first time two nation theory

84 / 129

Who led Simla conference

85 / 129

Second Largest Continent

86 / 129


87 / 129

Malala day

88 / 129

Capital of Kyrgyzstan

89 / 129

Who wrote “Loyal of Muhammadians”

90 / 129

Where is Gobi desert

91 / 129

FATA stands for

92 / 129

Third June Plan was declared by Lord Mount Batten

93 / 129

Hottest Planet

94 / 129

Meaning of Sufah

95 / 129

The word Olympics is taken from which Country

96 / 129

OIC Establised in

97 / 129

Which Country is known as Land of Golden fiber

98 / 129

Date of birth of Sir Sayyed

99 / 129

Lahore resolution is also known as

100 / 129

How many idol were in Kabah

101 / 129

How many times holy Prophet with name Muhammad (SAW) is mentioned in Quran

102 / 129

Rooh ullah is the title of

103 / 129

Where America Attacked japan

104 / 129

Winners of Fifa World Cup 2014

105 / 129

Who was Najashi

106 / 129

First Muslim among slaves was

107 / 129

Hazrat Aminah was from which city

108 / 129

Which day is Youm-e-takbeer

109 / 129

ILO stands for

110 / 129

Who was Bahadur Shah Zafar

111 / 129

Date of  death of Sir Sayyed

112 / 129

Who was the lord at the partition of Indo-Pak

113 / 129

What is Area of Islamabad

114 / 129

Who presented Objective resolution

115 / 129

Total deserts in Pakistan

116 / 129

The Origin of word tsunami is from which language

117 / 129

Land of  falling sun

118 / 129

Hazrat Hajirah was mother of

119 / 129

World most salty Sea

120 / 129

Rubel is the currency of

121 / 129

Largest Lake in the world

122 / 129

Who were LAT and UZZA

123 / 129

Battle of Tabuk was fought against whom

124 / 129

Oldest cantonment in Pakistan

125 / 129

How many times holy Prophet with name Ahmad is mentioned in Quran

126 / 129

Which city is Birmingham of Pakistan

127 / 129

Who rebuilt kaabah

128 / 129

Who was the viceroy at the time of partition of Bengal

129 / 129

Old name of Attock

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